Theatrical Headshots

Awww.. The theatrical headshot!
When I shoot theatrical shots I like to either keep it clean & simple
with a neutral background OR.. I take it to the streets & tell a story with the client – the actor, wardrobe and locations.
Whether it’s a simple moment in an interesting setting with the actor being the focus OR a very much “in the moment” shot with the actor as a character can also be super interesting.
Of course.. It all depends on the actor / artist and what they feel comfortable in revealing.
Because.. You know.. It’s all about the reveal.
How open you are to the camera / audience.

Personally, I prefer if an actor looks into the camera

in a headshot.

It’s that “connection” that the person on the other side

looking at the shot can feel.

That creates a MEMORABLE strong connection.

I TOTALLY “get it” when folks don’t like having their pics taken.
That’s why.. I create a relaxed / creative environment and “vibe” ..sort like this intuitive game of tennis. I can always feel what a person is feeling / projecting and sometimes.. I just witness it & encourage them & sometimes I get active and play!
They ALWAYS know I’m there & I’m on their side! They know when they’re doing well & it’s working & when they need to make an adjustment.
Posing / modeling/sitting whatever “word” you want to use to describe it , isn’t the easiest thing to do but it can sure be a good thing with someone you trust!
Isn’t that always the way ..with everything!

If modeling is acting..Playing a character.

Then acting is.. playing a character OR.. showing us who you are.

THAT.. Is always most interesting when you are relaxed and open!

Here are some interesting shots I took of my client #megatalented #actor #Lawrence Brown.
I’ve shot Lawrence a couple three times and I give him a little direction & then we just go on the journey!

I wish you the best on your journey!

Any questions email me here:
web site:

-Keli Squires Taylor

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